OPW Floating Suction Assemblies
OPW工程系统公司生产各种浮式吸入总成,可用于储存完成不容许发生污染的油料(如航空燃料)的卧式或立式、地上或地下的储罐。由于靠近顶部的燃料含水或外来杂质的可能-小,因此这种浮式总成都设计为浮在液面上层,并从这样的接近顶面的地方吸入完全不含污染物的液体。本公司生产的浮式吸入总成都能保证长期无故障的运行。OPW Engineered Systems manufactures floating suction assemblies for use in horizontal or vertical, above or below ground storage tanks where little or no contamination can be tolerated, such as aircraft jet fuel. Since the fuel near the top is least likely to contain water or foreign particles, the floating suction assemblies are designed to float near the top of the liquid surface and draw from this near-surface, contamination-free liquid. All of our floating suctions are designed for long, trouble-free life.

OPW Floating Suction Assemblies PDF Catalog
特点 / 优点
- 无需维护
- 调高效率,减少了过滤分离器的维护
- 永久润滑双滚道旋转接头
- 用于液下使用的三重密封旋转接头
- 吸入挡板和止动护套使槽底上方8”处(或根据需要规定)成为-低的可吸入液位
- 标准配置铝合金制150磅平面法兰;根据需要可提供碳钢和不锈钢法兰
以下是标准浮式吸入总成,特殊配置可按要求提供。The following are standard Floating Suction Assemblies. Special configurations are available upon request.

763型:用于直径8’以下的储罐 Model 763: for tanks under 8’ in diameter
764型:用于直径8’–12’以下的储罐Model 764: for tanks 8’–12’ in diameter
763V型:用于直径8’以下的储罐 Model 763V: for tanks under 8’ in diameter
764V型:用于直径8’–12’以下的储罐Model 764V: for tanks 8’–12’ in diameter

Model 765: Single-pipe, extended reach for cone roof tanks
Model 766: Scissor-style for large vertical tanks
Dimensions 尺寸:

下载 Downloads
浮式吸入总成安装、操作和维护手册Floating Suction Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual Standard Drawings
浮式吸入总成Floating Suctions
763 (69”长)
763V (69” 长)
763VE (69” 长)
764 (120” 长)
764V (120” 长)
764 VE (120” 长)
液下用旋转接头Submerged Service Swivel Joints
类型30FJ Floating Suction Assembly 30FJ Drawing
类型40FJ Floating Suction Assembly 40FJ Drawing
