MIDLAND 公司简介 Midland阀门执行机构Midland Valve Actuators
Midland 为普通型和压力型铁路槽罐车提供用于确保危险性散装物料的安全灌装、运输和卸载的各种组件和系统已经有 50 年以上的历史。 Midland 代表了这一行业中客户可完全信赖的品牌标准。 Midland 可向客户提供普通型和压力型铁路槽罐车的建造、装备、维修和运行所需要的所有各种产品。
Midland提供的产品范围包括:安全阀、止逆阀、真空泄放装置、针形阀、顶装输送阀、灌装和卸载用角阀、底部卸载设备、执行系统、人孔盖板、提升助力装置和液位计等。 Midland 能为客户提供铁路槽车的完整装备所需的每一种产品,并能保证-苛刻的化学环境中上佳的性能表现和可靠的安全性。我们所提供的系统解决方案和组件产品,以及我们的经验、可靠的品质、工程设计和客户服务方面的专业性都是其他公司所。
Midland Manufacturing Company:Part of OPW Fluid Transfer Group
You can rely on Midland’s 60 plus years of experience to help ensure the safe and reliable performance of your rail tank car valves and fittings. Our field sales and technical support teams understand Shipper needs and provide decades of experience to support your loading and unloading operations. Midland representatives are always available — to recommend the proper valve specification, provide knowledgeable advice on improving equipment performance and keeping repair costs low, or consult on how to reduce NARs. Specify Midland — the safest, most dependable products available for your tank car fleet.
OPW工程系统公司阀门执行机构采用-新颖的技术对装卸操作进行安全而高效的控制。在进行涉及液氯和环氧乙烷之类高度危险性的化学品操作时,这种装置能够对装卸用的阀门进行快速、自动化的紧急切断。如果与外设的化学泄露检测器等报警传感器及紧急停止开关或振动/异动传感器等相连接,在发生与运输槽车连接处泄露的情况下,这种执行机构能够迅即(不到3秒钟)将操作人员与危险品的接触降到-小,同时能按照EPA/DOT(美国环保署/运输部)要求报告的排放量控制到-低限度。输送阀门的自动开闭操作使工人在全部工作时间内都能处在危险品灌装点的安全距离之外。OPW Engineered Systems Valve Actuators are state-of-the-art technology for safe and efficient control of loading and unloading. They provide fast, automated emergency shut-off of loading an dunloading valves for handling very hazardous chemicals, such as chlorine or ethylene oxide. When connected to external warning sensors, such as chemical leak detectors, emergency stop switches or vibration and motion sensors, the actuators can immediately (less than 3 seconds) minimize operator exposure and EPA/DOT-reportable releases in the event of a leak in the transfer connections. Automated opening
and closing of transfer valves keep workers a safe distance away from hazardous ladings at all times.
Midland Valve Actuator Systems provide fast, automated emergency shut-off of loading and unloading valves for handling very hazardous chemicals, such as chlorine or ethylene oxide. When connected to external warning sensors such as chemical leak detectors, emergency stop switches or vibration and motion sensors, Midland Valve Actuators can immediately minimize operator exposure and EPA/DOT-reportable releases in the event of a leak in the transfer connections. Midland Valve Actuators work with both Midland and ARI 1" chlorine valves, eliminating the need for multiple actuators. Actuators are also available for Midland 2" Angle Valves. Plus, a Midland air- or nitrogen-operated drive motor facilitates installation with most rack systems. Midland Valve Actuator Systems comply with Chlorine Institute Pamphlet 57