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What to Consider when Selecting Swivel Joints

从消防车到钢厂,旋转接头是各种机械和应用的基本部件。这些部件提供了固定管道或软管与旋转机械部件之间的平滑连接。设计、工厂和维修工程师使用柔性管道系统的旋转接头、装载臂、软管卷筒、下水道冲洗器和废水处理设备以及各种类型的加工机械。它们还使用旋转接头在机床冷却液输送、汽包填充应用以及各种厂内流体和干散货输送应用中。在这里,OPW工程系统产品管理总监David Morrow提供了他的专业知识。

From fire trucks to steel mills, swivel joints are essential components for all kinds of machinery and applications. The components provide the smooth connection between stationary pipes or hoses and rotating machinery parts.Design, plant and maintenance engineers use swivel joints in flexible piping systems, loading arms, hose reels, sewer rodding and wastewater treatment equipment, and various types of process machinery. They also use swivel joints in machine tool coolant transfer, drum-filling applications, and in a variety of in-plant fluid and dry bulk transfer applications. Here, David Morrow, Director of Product Management for OPW Engineered Systems offers his expertise.

如果-先进的机器的部件不能移动,它就会发生故障。旋转接头是必要的投资,回报很大。它们延长了机器的使用寿命,减少了维护和停机时间。在选择旋转接头时,遵循制造商的规范是非常重要的,否则会发生泄漏,导致机器故障。The most advanced machinery can breakdown if its elements aren't able to move. Swivel joints are necessary investments that pay off in a big way. They extend machinery lifetime and reduce maintenance and downtime. It's extremely important to follow the manufacturer's specifications when selecting swivel joints or leakage will occur and the machinery will fail.


应用环境对于选择正确的旋转接头至关重要。压力、温度和支撑重量等应用设计参数对于正确选择水龙头以及了解流体本身的腐蚀性都起着至关重要的作用。The application environment is critical to selecting the right swivel joint. Application design parameters such as pressure, temperature and supported weight all play an essential role in properly selecting a swivel, as well as understanding the corrosiveness of the fluid itself.

The Options are Endless

考虑到潜在的组合,旋转接头的宽度是无限的尺寸、密封和连接,更不用说金属了。多功能性是任何有效旋转接头的关键,因为根据工作和所需功能的不同,规格可能有很大差异。The breadth of swivel joints is endless when you consider the potential combinations of sizes, seals, and connections, not to mention metals. Versatility is the key to any effective swivel joint as specification can vary drastically depending on the job and functionality required.


Specialty Swivel Joints

可为任何可能的应用设计和制造定制旋转接头。工程师可以通过提供经验丰富的咨询,以正确的旋转设计为后盾,专门为您的应用需求量身定制,帮助您确定适合您的特殊应用的设计。特殊转环有多种材料和尺寸可供选择。一些-典型的应用包括:装载臂、软管卷盘、钢厂、船用/码头软管、过滤设备、油罐车、滚筒填料。Custom swivel joints can be designed and manufactured for any possible application. Engineers can help you determine the appropriate design for your special application by providing experienced consultation, backed up by the right swivel design, tailored specifically to meet your application needs. Specialty swivels are available in a wide range of materials and sizes. A few of the most typical applications include: Loading arms, hose reels, steel mills, marine/dock hoses, filtration equipment, tank trucks, drum fillers.


Loading Arm Replacement Swivels

装载臂系统允许通过柔性管道系统将流体或液化气体输送到罐车或轨道车中。有些应用程序需要加载臂通过顶部连接加载,而其他连接点位于底部。装载臂旋转接头的功能多年来不断发展,以满足流体处理解决方案的要求。Loading arm systems allow the transfer of fluids or liquefied gas into a tank truck or rail car through a flexible piping system. Some applications require a loading arm to load through a top connection, while other connection points are at the bottom. The functionality of loading arm swivel joints has evolved over the years to meet the demands of fluid handling solutions.

Hose Reel Swivels

旋转接头是许多软管卷盘应用程序的一个组成部分,有大量这些零件是专门为软管卷盘设计的,具有自定义选项。Swivel joints are an integral part of many hose reel applications and there is a large variety of these parts designed specifically for hose reels, with customization options.


Dual Split Flange Swivels

双分流法兰旋转接头是专门设计用于传输酸,溶剂,石化产品和其他有毒流体。这种类型的旋转接头具有重型结构和独特的设计组件,有助于使其成为行业中-佳的旋转技术。Dual Split Flange swivel joints are specifically designed to transfer acids, solvents, petrochemicals and other toxic fluids. This type of swivel joint feature heavy-duty construction and unique design components that help make it the best available swivel technology in the industry.

For more information on swivel joint features and custom design capabilities, please visit www.opw-es.com and email us : sales@cnmec.biz



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