Not Just Better In Every Way. The Best In Every Way.
LYNX – Bottom-Loading Coupler for Liquid Terminals, Tank Truck
LYNX Series Bottom Loading Coupler
LYNX Series Bottom-Loading Coupler
Lynx系列底部加载耦合器代表了OPW工程系统的新时代。我们已经完全重新想象了API干裂连接器可以是什么。轻松操控。先进的安全功能。-小的泄漏。也许-令人印象深刻的是:由于采用了革命性的U型销设计,整个车钩的拆卸非常迅速和容易。 不是所有方面都好。各方面都是-好的。Lynx–液体终端、油罐车的底部装载连接器。Lynx经过优化,使您的液体终端和油罐车在干裂原料药技术方面表现-佳。从其超耐用的不锈钢轴环到其保护装卸臂连接的能力,即使面对高达500 psi的冲击压力,您也可以依靠Lynx多年的服务,并帮助-大限度地减少液体损失。API干式接头(又称干式阀、干式分离阀、下装接头),主要应用于石油库区底部密闭装卸系统中鹤管与油罐车之间。接合快速,由于具有自封机构,基本可以做到接合与分离时无泄漏。是油气回收的重要环节设备。手动开启机构。
Handle Length |
Short 5.9" (150mm) or Long 7.8" (200mm) |
Seals |
Viton B, Viton GFLT, Nitrile/Buna, Fluorosilicone, FFKM, Ultra Low-Temp (FKM)
Max Working Pressure |
80 psi (5.5 bar) (550 kPa) |
Product Test Pressure |
119 psi (8.2 bar) (820 kPa)
Design Pressure |
363 psi (25 bar) (2500 kPa)
Max Surge Pressure |
493 psi (34 bar) (3400 kPa)
Operating Temperature |
Viton B70: 0°F to 200°F (-15°C to +90°C); Viton GFLT: -20°F to +200°F (-28°C to +90°C); Nitrile/Buna: -40°F to 212°F (-40°C to 100°C); Fluorosilicone: -49°F to 350°F (-45°C to 177°C); FFKM: 23°F to 140°F (-5°C to 60°C); FKM (Ultra Low-Temp): -40°F to 200°F (-40°C to 90°C)
Design Standard |
API RP 1004 8th EDITION 2003 - Bottom Loading and Vapour Recovery; AS5602-2009 |
Dismantling |
Removal of one U-pin enables the shaft assembly and main poppet to be withdrawn
Mounting |
By industry standard 4" (100 mm) TTMA Flange
8 holes 7/16" on 5.8" PCD, 6.6" outside diameter (11 mm on 149 mm PCD, 168 mm OD)
Use spring washers when mounting coupler as per common industry practice |
Adjustment or Service |
Refer to Maintenance Instructions document
Weight |
19 lbs. (8.6 kg.) |
Vitonis a registered trademark of DuPont
进口LYNX Series系列API接头LYNX852
LYNX Series Bottom-Loading Coupler
Not Just Better In Every Way. The Best In Every Way.
LYNX – Bottom-Loading Coupler for Liquid Terminals, Tank Trucks
The LYNX Series bottom-loading couplers represent a new era from OPW Engineered Systems. We’ve completely reimagined what an API dry-break coupler can be. Effortless handling. Advanced safety features.Minimal leakage. And perhaps most impressive: incredibly quick and easy disassembly of the entire coupler thanks to a revolutionary U-pin design.
LYNX Series Coupler – The Best in Bottom Loading
Lynx经过优化,使您的液体终端和油罐车在干裂原料药技术方面表现-佳。从其超耐用的不锈钢轴环到其保护装卸臂连接的能力,即使面对高达500 psi的冲击压力,您也可以依靠Lynx多年的服务,并帮助-大限度地减少液体损失。LYNX is optimized to bring your liquid terminals and tank trucks the very best in dry-break API technology. From its ultra-durable stainless-steel collar to its ability to protect your loading-arm connection even when facing surge pressures up to 500 psi, you can count on LYNX for years of service and to help minimize fluid loss.

Fast Disassembly, Less Downtime
如果你有30秒的时间和螺丝刀,你可以拆卸Lynx。由于采用了U形销设计,装卸臂操作人员无需专用工具即可进行车钩维护,并能快速完成。If you have 30 seconds and a screwdriver, you can disassemble LYNX. Thanks to a U-pin design, loading-arm operators can perform coupler maintenance without special tools and do it quickly.
5-Year Warranty
Fast in-field replacement of the main seals, on or off the arm
Quick and easy disassembly of entire coupler through U-pin design
Automatic latching
U-pin is secured when the TTMA flange is fastened to prevent the pin from coming out during service
A variety of seals available to suit a range of applications
Two operating handle sizes to suit customer preference
Four “true-interlocking” stainless-steel latches ensure secure coupling and maximum safety
High-quality components including a stainless-steel collar and hard anodized aluminum body for increased service durability and life
Nominal product leakage during disconnect increases site safety
Low risk of leakage because of a proven seal design
Ergonomic operating handle and carry loop results in less physical strain on users
NOTE: All information subject to engineering and/or other changes. All trade names are copyrighted. Patents Pending. 2016 OPW Engineered Systems.2016 Delaware Capital Formation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. DOVER and the DOVER logo are registered trademarks of Delaware Capital Formation, Inc.,a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dover Corporation.
LYNX852 Long Handle*, Viton B70
LYNX852VG Long Handle*, Viton GFLT
LYNX852B Long Handle*, Nitrile/Buna
LYNX852F Long Handle*, Fluorosilicone
LYNX852ULT Long Handle*, Ultra Low-Temp (FKM)
* Also Available with Short Handle.
Better Sealing
New Seal Design = Less Drippage
Wave Spring
3x More Life!
Handle Shaft
Significantly Stronger
Stainless-Steel Collar
Durability for Life
Added Strength
4 True-Interlocking
Max Surge Pressure of 500 psi
Unique U-pin
design enables disassembly of
the coupler in 30 seconds.
Max Working Pressure: 80 psi
Test Pressure: 120 psi
Max Surge Pressure: 500 psi
Operating Temp: -49°F to 200°F (-45°C to +93°C)*
Design Standard: API RP 1004 8th Edition
Weight: 19 lbs.
Distributed by: *Operating temp. rating will vary based on seal selection
LYNX Series Bottom-Loading Coupler Sell Sheet
LYNX Series Bottom-Loading Coupler Data Sheet
LYNX Series Bottom-Loading Coupler Installation Operations Manual
Folleto Soluciones Totales Para Terminales (En Espaol)
Especificaciones y Partes Acople LYNX (En Espaol)
Folleto Acople LYNX (En Espaol)
Terminal Solutions Brochure
Safety and Reliability
Minimal product leakage during disconnect increases site safety.
Low risk of leakage because of a proven seal design.
Four, "true interlocking" stainless steel latches ensure superior latch alignment and maximum safety.
Lightweight without reducing safety and reliability.
High-quality components including a stainless-steel collar and hard anodized aluminum body for increased service durability and life.
Performance and Convenience
Fast and easy disassembly of entire coupler through U-pin design.
U-pin is secured when the TTMA flange is fastened to prevent the pin from falling out in service.
Fast in-field replacement of main seals, on or off the arm.
Two operating handle sizes to suit customer preference.
Less drippage at disconnect compared to previous models.
Collar designed to ensure minimal distortion of critical latching face.
Easy to operate handle with a noticeable positive lock.
Comfort and Style
Ergonomic operating handle and carry loop results in less physical strain on users.
Handle Length
Short (150mm) or Long (200mm).
-Viton B.
-Viton GFLT (recommended for ethanol blends).
-NBR (Nitrile/Buna).
Max Working Pressure: 80 psi (5.5 bar) (550 kPa).
Product Test Pressure: 119 psi (8.2 bar) (820 kPa).
Design Pressure: 363 psi (25 bar) (2,500 kPa).
Max Surge Pressure: 493 psi (34 bar) (3,400 kPa).
Operating Temperature
Viton B70: -15°C to 90°C (0°F to 200°F).
Viton GFLT: -28°C to 90°C (-20°F to 200°F).
Nitrile/Buna: -40°C to 100°C (-40°F to 212°F).
Fluorosilicone: -45°C to 177°C (-49°F to 350°F).
FFKM: -5°C to 80°C (-23°F to 176°F).
Tecnoflon: -40°C to 90°C (-40°F to 200°F)
Design Standard
API RP 1004 8th EDITION 2003 - Bottom Loading and Vapour Recovery.
Removal of one U-pin enables the shaft assembly and main poppet to be withdrawn.
By industry standard 100mm (4”) TTMA Flange.
8.6kg (LYNX85x Couplers).
10.81kg (LYNX86x Couplers).
LYNX850: Short Handle, Viton B.
LYNX850VG: Short Handle, Viton GFLT.
LYNX850C: Short Handle, FFKM.
LYNX852: Long Handle, Viton B.
LYNX852VG: Long Handle, Viton GFLT.
LYNX852C: Long Handle, FFKM.
LYNX852G: Long Handle, Viton B - AVGAS Selective.
LYNX852J: Long Handle, Viton B - Jet Selective.
LYNX862: Long Handle Drip Catcher, Viton B70.
LYNX862VG: Long Handle Drip Catcher, Viton GFLT.
LBM800: Liquip Loading Arm Balance Assembly.
LBV450VG: 4" Butterfly Valve, Viton GFLT seals.
BF4-SG-25: 4" TTMA sightglass flange, 25mm thick.
BF4-SG-40: 4" TTMA sightglass flange, 40mm thick.
0657V: 4" TTMA Viton Gasket.
4248: 4" TTMA Klinger Gasket
4" API 下装干式接头 | API 干式接头(又称干式阀、干式分离阀、下装接头) | OPW鹤管、输油臂、API接头 干式阀,OPW鹤管、输油臂、API接头 干式阀 | API鹤管 底部装车鹤管 干式分离阀鹤管、干式分离阀、进口干式分离阀、下装鹤管干式阀、美国干式分离阀、干式阀泄漏量、美国OPW干式分离阀、API干式阀型号、Api干式阀接口、OPW鹤管、输油臂、API接头 干式阀_OPW | API干式接头(底装鹤管用干式分离阀、下装接头) | 干式接头,下装接头,API干式分离阀,API卸油阀,卸油阀,进口干式接头 、 底装鹤管 API干式分离阀鹤管| API干式接头(底装鹤管用干式分离阀、下装接头) | OPW API干式接头(底装鹤管用干式分离阀、下装接头) OPW API 干式分离阀
- LIQUIP API半自动干式接头LYNX850VG LYNX Series Coupler | LYNX Series Bottom-Loading Coupler | LYNX Series Bottom Loading Coupler LYNX86x Couplers LYNX85x Couplers LYNX850: Short Handle, Viton B. | LYNX850VG: Short Handle, Viton GFLT | LYNX850C: Short Handle, FFKM | LYNX852: Long Handle, Viton B | LYNX852VG: Long Handle, Viton GFLT | LYNX852C: Long Handle, FFKM | LYNX852G: Long Handle, Viton B - AVGAS Selective | LYNX852J: Long Handle, Viton B - Jet Selective | LYNX862: Long Handle Drip Catcher, Viton B70 | LYNX862VG 半自动干式接头实物照片
- 新型Lynx接头正在彻底改变终端负载
New LYNX Coupler is Revolutionizing Terminal Loading